The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association invites you, your family and friends to “Sleigh Bells Ring”: Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides, Saturday, December 9, five to eight PM. Route – leaving from the Boulevard and traveling nearby. Come and enjoy!
Reservation required – see form below. Your check is your reservation, and seating is limited. No reservations accepted after Saturday, December 2
Cost: FHNA Members: Adult $5, Children under 12, $3, under 3 – free (on lap)
Non-Members: Adult $8, Children under 12, $4
Complimentary Cocoa and Cookies! Purchase a Candy Cane and enjoy a free glass of wine.
Luminaries will light our community. Don’t let your home be left in the dark! Kits are available for $8 . Each kit includes twelve bags, twelve 10 hour candles, and a bag of kitty litter. Kits must be ordered by Nov. 18 and can be picked up after December 2nd from a convenient location.
Directions for Luminaries: Please light close to 5 PM on Dec. 9 for a beautiful pathway through our neighborhood. Place luminaries on your grass, closest to the front of your yard. To assemble: Pour a few inches of kitty litter into the paper bag. Fold down the top of the bag 1-2 inches. Nestle the bottom of the candle into the kitty litter. These do not present a fire risk, but safest to extinguish before you have a good night’s sleep
Tear off and send to or call:
Last Name A to M: Diane Geiger 2280 Ridgewood Road, 513-967-4450;
Last Name N to Z: Linda Woods 2468 Amesbury Rd., 330-697-9674
SLEIGH RIDES: (Must be reserved/paid for by Dec. 2)
NAME of Person Making Reservation: ____________________________Phone:_________________
MEMBERS: Number of adults ($5 each) ____________, Number of children under 12 ($3 each)_____________, Number of children under 3 ________.
NON-MEMBERS: Number of adults ($8 each) ________, Number of children under 12 ($4 each) _________, Number of children under 3 _________.
LUMINARIY KITS: (Must be ordered/paid by Nov. 18); $8 each, Number of kits:_________
Total Amount enclosed ________________________________
Join FHNA: for information.