Many of you might be aware of a potential problem affecting Fairlawn Heights. The lot at 417 Frank Boulevard has been purchased by an out of town individual who has received tentative permission from the Zoning Commission to install three mobile homes on the lot. I invite you to drive by and take a look. Also, right next door, a lot has been cleared by a couple planning to build a $330,000 home; you can imagine their dismay.
Fairlawn Heights is a neighborhood with almost exclusively single-family, owner-occupied homes, something which is an integral part of its character. Allowing the installation of three mobile homes, almost certainly rentals, at one of the gateways into the Heights could begin a process that would adversely affect the character of our neighborhood and our property values.
Consequently, we have decided to petition both Akron City Council and Summit County Council to do everything they can to prevent this travesty. We will have a short meeting at the NORTHWEST BRANCH LIBRARY ON SHATTO AT 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 30 to organize the petition drive. I hope many of you will respond to prevent this threat to our homes.
Best regards,
Bob Keener, President
Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Assoc.