I am delighted to inform you that Tyler Johnson has reached an agreement with the City of Akron regarding his trailers on the lots on Frank Boulevard. According to the agreement, the trailers must be dismantled and , along with any debris, off the property no later than May 15, 2017 and, in the meantime, he must keep the property as orderly and neat as possible. He has also agreed not to appeal this agreement.
We all owe a big debt of thanks to both Marilyn Keith, who has been so active in fighting for us on this issue, and John York of the Akron Law Department who represented the City in this matter so well and negotiated the agreement with Mr. Johnson. And my thanks go out to all of you who were so supportive in this matter, especially those who circulated the petitions, attended the meetings, and spoke for the neighborhood at the Zoning and Planning Board meetings. Situations like this demonstrate the importance of having an active neighborhood association capable of organizing to defeat threats to our community.
Now, Pat and Debbie Velzka can enjoy their dream home in peace.
Best regards,
Bob Keener, President
Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association.