

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of Fairlawn Heights to attend its Quarterly Meeting, Tuesday, July 18, at 6:30p.m., at Resnick Community Learning Center, 65 N. Meadowcroft Dr, Akron.  The meeting is for FHNA members and non-members – anyone living in Fairlawn Heights.

As part of the meeting, Jacqui Flaherty-Ricchiuti, Chief Executive Officer of Keep Akron Beautiful (KAB) will be sharing the organization’s initiatives and impact on the Akron area.  KAB’s programs include recycling promotion, environmental education, and area volunteering dedicated to the beautification of our neighborhoods.

Joining area residents at the meeting will be 8th Ward Councilwoman Marilyn Keith.

In addition to the speaker, there will be a brief business meeting during which the FHNA will share treasurer and committee reports from the Association and announce upcoming 2017 events and initiatives.

Any homeowner within the geographic area of Fairlawn Heights is welcome to join.  Membership is not required to attend the meeting, however residents are encouraged to support the organization with both dues and time.