
FHNA Membership Renewal

It is Time to Join or Renew your annual Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association membership for 2019.

What was new this past year?

  • Sleigh Bells Ring! In December
  • Financial support for the 4th of July celebration
  • Anti-Speeding initiative to keep our children, walkers, and pets safe
  • Easter Egg Hunt
  • Grounds Committee working on new plant to beautify our public spaces

What about our 2018 quarterly meetings?

  • Forums where residents can raise issues of concern with City and County officials
  • Speakers at each meeting
    • Mayoralty debate between Dan Horrigan and Eddie Sipplin
    • Police Chief Kevin Ball and other explaining Issue 4
    • Jason Segedy, Akron Planning Director
    • Mike Lupica, Akron Traffic Engineer, on traffic problems in Fairlawn Heights
    • Irene Shapiro, President Summit County Council
    • Gerald Craig, Executive Director Summit County ADM on the opioid crises
    • Candidates’ Night
    • Jacqui Flaherty, Director, Keep Akron Beautiful
  • Marilyn Keith, our Ward 8 Councilwoman, attends to keep us informed about City issues and answer questions.

Plus – Opportunities to socialize with your neighbors

  • Our famous Fall Festival
  • Wine tastings
  • Sleigh Bells Ring!

Annual Membership Cost

Basic              $25 per household

Patron           $50 per household       *

Founding    $100 per household       *

* Patron and Founding members will receive a Fox mascot snuggle.

Support our efforts by joining your Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association!  Just fill out the application or go to our website.