
Stay-at-Home St Patrick’s Day Contest with Two Great Prizes

Dear Neighbors,

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Contest

Put a shamrock in a front window — hand drawn or made/decorated/printed, whatever you want

DEADLINE: 6 PM, Wednesday, March 18

On Thursday, Two Winners will be announced: Most CREATIVE Shamrocks in the Heights.

Each house will receive a $50 Certificate for Delivery of Breakfast or Lunch from the Eye Opener!!!

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association knows that no one pulls together as well to help each other than the residents of our own beloved neighborhood. During the Coronavirus outbreak, we have heard all about staying home more, social distancing, and hand-washing. But is there more we can do? If you are feeling healthy, and concerned for the well-being of others, here are some actions you can take to help: