Dear Friends and Neighbors of Fairlawn Heights,
Needless to say, your Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association has, like most of us, had our planned activities curtailed for the past two months and, quite likely, into the foreseeable future. But we’re still here, working to the benefit of our community.
One initiative we’ve undertaken is the placement of about 75 signs throughout the neighborhood thanking our front line workers – the folks who work in our grocery and drug stores, the service people who keep our plumbing and electricity working and many other including, of course our health care personnel. You can recognize the blue signs with our Fairlawn Height fox logo.
While we had to cancel our March quarterly meeting, the July meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, July 7 is still on – although, like so many other meetings, this will be a virtual one. Details will follow. Our Ward 8 Councilman, Shammas Malik, is planning to join us and bring us up to date on what the City is doing and planning to do. One thing I would like to discover is your own thoughts on what our organization should or should not be doing.
And, we’re still planning to have our annual Fall Festival on the Boulevard from 4:00 until 7:00 PM on Saturday, October 4. The date is a bit later than usual so as not to interfere with the Jewish holidays. However, since we can’t know what the situation will be then, we’re not making any financial commitments with our members’ dues. We’ll cross our fingers and hope for the best. Since it’s a family event, the status of kids in school at that point might be a good indicator.
And, our annual Sleigh Bells Ring Christmas celebration is scheduled for Dec.19?. Perhaps by that time, we’ll really be able to celebrate!
If there’s a silver lining in this crisis, it’s that we’ve met a lot more of our neighbors walking through Fairlawn Heights. It’s nice to see so many folks strolling around!
Remember, FHNA stands ready to address any neighborhood concerns you may have. Please contact me at if you have any issues you’d like to discuss.
And, please stay well! Practice safe distancing and all the other wise precautions you might take.
Bob Keener, President Diane Geiger, Vice-President
Joe Geiger, Secretary Greg Dunham, Treasurer