About FHNA

womenWhat is the Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association and why should you join? Perhaps the FHNA can best be explained by saying what we are NOT:
— We are NOT a homeowner’s association.
— We are NOT organized to create rules for you or our neighborhood.
— We are NOT attempting to manage, oversee, or govern.

Our group of neighbors was created, as our mission states, to “provide a forum to express and discuss issues of concern to the homeowners of Fairlawn Heights, to engage with appropriate governmental authorities to resolve matters of concern to the residents of Fairlawn Heights, to enhance community awareness in order to maintain the neighborhood’s culture and environment and to protect property values.”

Any homeowner within the geographic area of Fairlawn Heights is welcome to join. Our quarterly meetings, typically attended by Akron City Council President, Marilyn Keith, and at least one representative from the Akron Police Department, have offered opportunities to meet with local candidates, hear from area safety and government representatives, and even get garden tips from a resident Master Gardener.

FHNA efforts have resulted in improved snow plow service communication and response by the City of Akron, frank and open discussions of concerns with Akron PD officers, and coordinated efforts with Keep Akron Beautiful to beautify our neighborhood.

Our Mission

  • To provide a forum to express and discuss issues of concern to the homeowners of Fairlawn Heights
  • to engage with appropriate governmental authorities to resolve matters of concern to the residents
  • to enhance community awareness in order to maintain the neighborhood’s culture and environment and to protect property values.
Any homeowner within the geographic area of Fairlawn Heights is welcome to join.