
Akron Art Museum Offers InsideOut Art Walk

To celebrate the beginning of the Akron Art Museum’s InsideOut Exhibit, there will be an Art Walk in Wallhaven, May 13, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

Inside|Out is a community-activated art project that brings high quality art reproductions from the Akron Art Museum’s collection into Akron area neighborhoods. Inside|Out has returned in 2016 to install 40 artworks across eight neighborhoods and outdoor spaces, including Northwest Akron and Wallhaven.

The installations in the art walk run between St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (1361 W. Market Street) and Judith Resnik Community Learning Center (65 N. Meadowcroft), guided by Jerry Egan, former Comprehensive Planning Manager for the City of Akron. Jerry will conduct a walk through the area with a view to providing historical development information as well as touching on basic rules of good urban design to create a pleasing walkable retail community. If interested in the guided tour, meet Jerry at 6:15 p.m. at the parking lot of Hardesty Park. Lolly the Trolley will be cycling between the end points of the installations for walkers’ convenience.

You can pick up a brochure of the ArtWalk at any of the ten installation sites. Digital maps, other community events and additional details can be found at Come celebrate Inside|Out, showcasing treasures from the Museum’s wonderful collection and celebrating our diverse and eclectic Walhaven area.

This event is being hosted by Ward 8 Councilwoman, Marilyn Keith.

MEMBERSHIP DUES: If you have not yet paid your 2016 FHNA membership dues, please contact Bob Berk for payment information – Only $50 covers your entire household.