
Join FHNA for LESS!

That’s right!!  In answer to input from our neighbors, and in the interest of increasing membership, the Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association is actually offering basic dues at a LOWER cost.  Instead of $50 per household, you can now join FHNA for only $25.  No catches.  No difference in benefits. ...

Sleigh Bells Ring in Fairlawn Heights

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association invites you, your family and friends to “Sleigh Bells Ring”:   Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides, Saturday, December 9, five to eight PM.  Route – leaving from the Boulevard and traveling nearby.  Come and enjoy! Reservation required – see form below.  Your check is your reservation,...

Leaf pickup schedule

Here is the leaf pick-up information for our area: Leaf pickup this year in Fairlawn Heights will begin on November 18, so leaves should be moved from the lawns into the street by that morning.  If you have leaves that need to be picked up after that date, the leaves...

FHNA Annual Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association’s annual meeting are attached.  Going forward, meeting minutes will be emailed to the distribution list and will also be available on the FHNA website,   FHNA October 2017 Minutes Minutes