Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Quarterly Meeting (Remote via Zoom) Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM In compliance with the Ohio Department of Health’s “Stay at Home” order, FHNA will use Zoom, to conduct our July Quarterly Meeting. Zoom is a free internet application that runs on computers (both...
Meeting Notices
March meeting and Easter Egg Hunt Canceled
In the best interest of our residents and in accordance with both the Ohio Department of Health’s Coronavirus guidelines and Governor DeWine’s Coronavirus Orders, Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association has regretfully decided to cancel: • The meeting originally planned for 31-March-2020. • The Easter Egg Hunt. We decided that it...
Quarterly Meeting, January 7, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 28, 2019 Robert Keener, President Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association rkeener@neo.rr.com 330-328-5336 FAIRLAWN HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES QUARTERLY MEETING The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association announces its Quarterly Meeting at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at the Resnik Community Learning Center. The agenda will include...
FHNA 2019 Annual Meeting, Tuesday October 8
Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting Tuesday, October 8, 6:30 PM Judith Resnick CLC Political Forum ♦ Ward 8 Akron City Council Candidates ♦ Brian Fortney and Shammas Malick The Honorable Jon Oldham and Diane Geiger will moderate a political forum for Ward 8 City Council candidates at the FHNA...
Quarterly Meeting, Tuesday July 9
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 1, 2019 Joseph Geiger Marketing/Communications Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association fhtowncrier@gmail.com Robert Keener, President Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association rkeener@neo.rr.com FAIRLAWN HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES QUARTERLY MEETING Program Will Feature the History of Fairlawn Heights Fairlawn Heights: The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of...
Reminder — Quarterly Meeting and Candidates’ Round Table this Tuesday
This is just a reminder that our quarterly meeting and candidates’ round table will be held on Tuesday April 9. For your convenience, the original post is replicated below. —– Fairlawn Heights: The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of Fairlawn Heights to attend its Quarterly...
Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Announces Quarterly Meeting
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MARCH 28, 2019 FAIRLAWN HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES QUARTERLY MEETING Candidates’ Round Table Fairlawn Heights: The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of Fairlawn Heights to attend its Quarterly Meeting, Tuesday, April 9, at 6:30p.m., at Resnick Community Learning Center, 65 N. Meadowcroft...
Quarterly Meeting Scheduled for 9 January 2019
The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association announces its Quarterly Meeting scheduled for Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 6:30 PM at Resnik CLC. The group will review the activities of the past quarter, included the very successful campaign to reduce speeding in the neighborhood and the most enjoyable Sleigh Bells Ring...
Time Correction ~~ Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Meeting, 10-April, 6:30 PM
Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of Fairlawn Heights to attend its quarterly meeting on Tuesday, 10-April, at 6:30 PM, at the Judith A Resnik CLC, 65 N Meadowcroft Dr. The meeting is for FHNA members and non-members. Speakers Josey Jones and Mac Love: @PLAY Akron is...
Plan now to join your neighbors at the upcoming Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association’s (FHNA) annual meeting, Tuesday, October 10, at 6:30 at Resnik Community Learning Center. The centerpiece of the meeting will be a discussion of Issue 4, led by the Mayor of Akron, or a member of his cabinet. Area...