
Fairlawn Heights Info Sheet Now Available!

Do you have a business in Fairlawn Heights?  Or maybe know someone considering moving to this area?  FHNA has developed a single-page sales sheet for our neighborhood, complete with photos, history, and FHNA membership information.  Please feel free to email the link below to anyone who you feel may be...

Be on the lookout!!

A male was reportedly walking up to at least five homes in the Hampshire/Schocalog area on Thursday, 5/25, at around 4-5PM. The initial person reported he was approaching homes that looked as if nobody was home. It has been reported to the police, and there will be added patrols in...

Check Out the FHNA Website!

Have you looked at the FHNA website located at ?  It’s loaded with information, like: Fairlawn Heights history FHNA membership enrollment and payment links Event updates and photos Special community data, links, and information (including a newly-added area crime report data link!) Past blog posts Looking for something that...

Crime Watch

The Akron Police Department has asked us to be on the lookout as a follow-up to a suspicious incident yesterday.  In the Addyston Road area, car with four teenagers was seen pulling into driveways and walking around houses. Limited information is available – only one person called it into...

Update and Lookout!

The following update came from Bob Keener, President, FHNA, regarding the trailers/residence on Frank Boulevard: Well, we won again, this time at the Akron Planning Board which unanimously rejected Tyler Johnson’s appeal for conditional zoning.  Mr. Johnson did not appear to promote his appeal and several of us spoke...

Frank Blvd. Trailer Update

Friends, An update of the status of our petition regarding the trailers at 417 Frank Boulevard , a slight revision in our plans and a meeting notice: We are having a special meeting of those who have volunteered to collect signatures on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 AT 6:00 PM in...