
Historic brochure on FHNA website

Did you know that the new FHNA website includes the original “Beautiful Fairlawn Heights” sales brochure that was used to promote home-buying in the area in the ’30s?!  There’s also a great written overview of our neighborhood’s beginnings and the story of the development of the property and the...

We are live!

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association’s website is now LIVE and full of information of interest to residents and anyone who wants to learn about our area.  On our site – located at – you’ll find: Fairlawn Heights history Area demographic information FHNA membership online payment through Paypal Event updates...

Attention Wine Lovers!

Plan to attend the next FHNA wine tasting event at Regency Wine Bar on Friday, May 20th between 6-8 PM as we present some very exciting new releases from France and Italy! Jeff Graff from Vintner Select will present five delicious wines for the spring and summer months. Terre...

Spring planting volunteers needed!

The FHNA Grounds Committee has 90 begonias to help beautify one of the entrances to Fairlawn Heights and they’re looking for volunteers to help plant. Here are the details. Location: Fairlawn Boulevard at the intersection of Halifax and Ridgewood Date: Saturday, May 14 Time: 11:00 a.m. Contact: Dick Schwartz...

Water Problems

As some of you may have discovered this morning, a water main break primarily at the corner of Ridgewood and Miller occurred which affected water supply to many in Fairlawn Heights. (It’s the same location where there was a bad break a couple of years ago.) As of now...