
FHNA Quarterly Meeting Reminder

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association (FHNA) invites all residents of Fairlawn Heights to attend its Quarterly Meeting, Tuesday, April 19, at 6:30p.m., at Resnick Community Learning Center, 65 N. Meadowcroft Dr, Akron. The meeting is for FHNA members and non-members – anyone living in Fairlawn Heights.

As part of the meeting, Jason Segedy, Director of Planning and Urban Development for the City of Akron, will be the guest speaker.

Mr. Segedy is perhaps best known for his announced goal to increase the City of Akron’s currently declining population above 200,000 by 2020, and back to its previous high of 250,000 by 2050. In his blog, Mr. Segedy provides interesting demographic information and statistics about Fairlawn Heights at

His ambitious population growth goal, as well as other topics of interest to Fairlawn Heights residents, will be included in his presentation.

Joining area residents at the meeting will be 8th Ward Councilwoman/Akron City Council President, Marilyn Keith.

In addition to the speaker, there will be a brief business meeting during which the FHNA will share treasurer and committee reports from the Association and an update on 2016 events and initiatives.

MEMBERSHIP DUES: if you have not yet paid your 2016 membership dues, please plan to do so at the meeting on Tuesday. Only $50 covers your entire household. Please plan to bring your payment to the quarterly meeting or contact Bob Berk for payment information –