Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association
Quarterly Meeting (Remote via Zoom)
Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM
In compliance with the Ohio Department of Health’s “Stay at Home” order, FHNA will use Zoom, to conduct our July Quarterly Meeting.
Zoom is a free internet application that runs on computers (both Windows and Apple), smart phones, and tablets. Attendees’ devices must be connected to the internet and have speakers to hear the presentation. If the attendee wishes to ask questions the device must have a microphone. A video camera is optional.
Our FHNA Quarterly Meeting is scheduled for 6:30 PM, Tuesday, July 7. The meeting will be an invitation only event. To receive an invitation, please send an email to Joseph.Geiger@me.com and include your name, primary phone number, and put FHNA Meeting in the subject line.
On the night of the meeting, we cannot delay the meeting in order to assist members connect to Zoom. For this reason, we are scheduling test sessions. These sessions provide you an opportunity to test your setup and receive connection assistance.
The test sessions dates are:
- Monday, June 29 at 6:30 PM
- Thursday, July 2, at 6:30 PM
- Monday, July 6, at 6:30 PM
To receive a test session invitation, send an email to Joseph.Geiger@me.com and include:
- Your name,
- Phone number,
- Email address for the invitation,
- Indicate which of the test sessions you will attend.
Prior to the Quarterly meeting, we will email Zoom invitations to those who requested an invitation.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope that you and your family remain healthy.
If you have any questions, please contact Joe Geiger Joseph.Geiger@me.com