
July Quarterly Meeting Going Virtual

Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Quarterly Meeting (Remote via Zoom) Tuesday, July 7, 2020 at 6:30 PM In compliance with the Ohio Department of Health’s “Stay at Home” order, FHNA will use Zoom, to conduct our July Quarterly Meeting. Zoom is a free internet application that runs on computers (both...

4th of July Parade 2020

Due to the pandemic and social distancing guidelines, we are modifying our annual parade. You will be able to participate in this year’s festivities from your home. The contest will begin at 10am. We hope you get this telegram Make sure you listen for the megaphone Judges will drive...

Letter from our Board

Dear Friends and Neighbors of Fairlawn Heights, Needless to say, your Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association has, like most of us, had our planned activities curtailed for the past two months and, quite likely, into the foreseeable future.  But we’re still here, working to the benefit of our community. One...

Congratulations Award Winners

Congratulations to the two winners of the Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association’s “Shamrock Shenanigans.”   The judging team found it very difficult to choose two winners out of so many creative ones.     Thanks, everyone, for the fun, and we will be back to you soon   Winners:  ...

March meeting and Easter Egg Hunt Canceled

In the best interest of our residents and in accordance with both the Ohio Department of Health’s Coronavirus guidelines and Governor DeWine’s Coronavirus Orders, Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association has regretfully decided to cancel: • The meeting originally planned for 31-March-2020. • The Easter Egg Hunt. We decided that it...

Quarterly Meeting, January 7, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 28, 2019 Robert Keener, President Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association 330-328-5336 FAIRLAWN HEIGHTS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION ANNOUNCES QUARTERLY MEETING The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association announces its Quarterly Meeting at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, January 7, 2020 at the Resnik Community Learning Center. The agenda will include...