
Sleigh Bells Ring!

The FHNA Second Annual “Sleigh Bells Ring!” is coming up on December 22, 5-8 PM.

Light up the Heights and reserve your Luminary Kit; and we also welcome residents to make reservations for sleigh rides. Details are below.  We welcome you for a great night of treats at an open house, a sleigh ride,  and holiday greetings with your neighbors.

Sleigh Bells Ring
The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association invites you, your family and friends to “Sleigh Bells Ring”: Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides, Saturday, December 22 , five to eight PM. Route – leaving from the Boulevard and traveling nearby. Come and enjoy complimentary cocoa and cookies with hosts Meghan and Jon Oldham, at their home, 2130 Sagamore Road. Purchase a candy Cane for $5 and enjoy a free glass of wine.

Reservations are required. Download the order form.

FHNA members have priority sleigh reservations from November 19 – 26. Non-members may reserve after November 26 through December 15.

Luminaries will light our way on the sleigh path and streets throughout the neighborhood. Don’t let your home be left in the dark! Kits are available for $12 each. Each kit includes twelve bags, twelve 10-hour candles, and a bag of kitty litter. Luminaries are for every Heights home!

Kits must be ordered by December 1, and can be picked up after December 16, between 1 to 4 PM from 2280 Ridgewood Road, (enter from Barnstable Road). Please light luminaries close to 5 PM on Dec. 22nd. Place on your grass, closest to the front of your yard.
Payment for both luminaries and sleigh rides is due with reservation. Download the form and mail or call:
Diane Geiger 2280 Ridgewood Road, 513-967-4450;
Linda Woods 2468 Amesbury Rd., 330-697-9674

SLEIGH RIDE RESERVATIONS: (Members only – November 19 – 26; Non-members after November 26 through December 15.

NAME of Person Making Reservation: ____________________________Phone:_________________
(Required; we will call you with time)

MEMBERS: Number of adults ($10 each) ____________, Number of children under 12 ($5 each)_____________,

NON-MEMBERS: Number of adults ($15 each) ________, Number of children under 12 ($5 each) _________,

LUMINARIY KITS: (Must be ordered by December 1); $10 each, Number of kits:_________

Total Amount enclosed ________________________________

Join FHNA: for information.