
SLEIGH BELLS RING in Fairlawn Heights

Light up your Street and Join Us for Sleigh Rides and Refreshments: December 9, 5-8 PM

Hi Fairlawn Heights Friends,

Please look for a flyer in your mailbox for information on “Sleigh Bells Ring,” an event for the entire neighborhood on  Saturday, December 9.

Our goal is to light up every street in the Heights with luminaries and make this a night to take a ride or a walk and admire the beauty of the luminaries.
The horse-drawn sleigh will depart from the Boulevard and will tour a few neighborhood
streets so that passengers can view the luminaries. Please call phone numbers on the
flyer as soon as possible, as space is very limited!

All residents are encouraged to light up the road in front of their house with luminaries. The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association will be selling luminary kits for a reasonable amount or you are welcome to make your own.   Luminaries are usually placed at the edge of the yard nearest the street, in a row, to line up with neighbors’ luminaries. Flyers explaining the ordering of luminaries and sleigh rides will be put in every mailbox.

Please plan to join your neighbors for a night of cocoa, wine, cookies, and sharing the joy of the holiday spirit.

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association Sleigh Bells Ring Committee