
Stop Speeding Signs: Post in Your Yard Option

Hi Neighbors,

At your request, an FHNA (Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association) Committee ran a full campaign to slow down traffic in Fairlawn Heights last summer, Marilyn Keith supplied us with signs, and made great efforts to get results. In spite of all of the efforts, including appearing before City Council, contacting the media and meeting with key leaders, almost none of the promises made by the City (re-routing signs, speeding signs, monthly updates) have been honored. Increased police officer presence has been noted and is greatly appreciated!!

Via your comments, the only effective measures were increased police presence and our own effort: Posting yard signs, which were especially effective on busy roads such as Schocalog and Ridgewood and Covington.

You had asked if signs can be re-posted when winter had passed and school is out. If you choose, you are more than welcome to post your sign at any time, as school is out very soon.

Signs can be posted on any street, at the choice of the resident; they are especially encouraged on our busier roads and through road/streets.


FHNA Stop Speeding Committee