As some of you may have discovered this morning, a water main break primarily at the corner of Ridgewood and Miller occurred which affected water supply to many in Fairlawn Heights. (It’s the same location where there was a bad break a couple of years ago.) As of now – 11:00a.m. on Sunday – the City has shut off the water at the break locations and up the hill a bit at Schocolog with the intent of providing us water at the expense of Circle K which is currently without water.
The water in your home may be off, or the pressure may be low, because of the ongoing repair.
Our Ward 8 Councilwoman, Marilyn Keith is, as usual, on it. Many neighbors have left her messages, and she plans to call all of you as more information is available. At this point, we don’t know the timeline for repair but please know that the City is aware and working on it.