
We are live!

The Fairlawn Heights Neighborhood Association’s website is now LIVE and full of information of interest to residents and anyone who wants to learn about our area.  On our site – located at – you’ll find:

  • Fairlawn Heights history
  • Area demographic information
  • FHNA membership online payment through Paypal
  • Event updates
  • Community and school contacts

Need to pay your dues?  You can now do that through the website!  If you or one of your neighbors wants to be added to our email list, that can now be done through the website!  And coming later this year, we plan on members-only pages for babysitters, items for sale, contractor recommendations, and much more!  Want to read through previous notifications?  They’re all on the website!!

Check the site out and let us know what you think through our “Contact Us” page!


Amy Freed Humbert, Chair

FHNA Marketing and Communications


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